Porcelain Veneers An Overview
Transform your smile with porcelain veneers! At Foothills Dentistry in Calgary, AB, we offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry treatment, including porcelain veneers, starting at
$990 with a free consultation
Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural smile. Under the care of a highly skilled cosmetic dentist, patients can achieve a natural looking, long-lasting smile. At Foothills Dentistry in Calgary, AB, we offer porcelain veneers to help patients achieve the smile of their dreams. Veneers can enhance your natural smile or address a wide range of dental concerns, including:
- Tooth discoloration
- Crooked teeth
- Cracked or chipped teeth
- Misshapen teeth
- Misaligned teeth
- Worn or uneven teeth
- Short teeth
- Gapped teeth
During your consultation, our team will perform a dental evaluation to determine if you are an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers. We will recommend the best form of cosmetic dentistry treatment for your smile. Visit our Calgary dental office for your personalized smile makeover.
Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers
There are numerous benefits to porcelain veneers. Some of the top benefits include:
- Natural looking solution to many cosmetic dental concerns
- Porcelain is a naturally stain resistant material
- They are a durable solution and can last many years with proper care
- They are completely customizable
- Can help improve your confidence in your smile
Digital Smile Design (DSD): Create Your Perfect Smile
Visiting the dentist to transform your smile can be an investment. Nothing is worse than receiving a smile you aren’t satisfied with. With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, patients can become active partners in their own smile design journey.
As a modern dental practice, Foothills Dentistry utilizes Digital Smile Design (DSD) to help create your ideal smile. This state of the art technology analyzes the relationship between teeth, gums, lips, and facial features to create a digital projection of your smile. Patients have the opportunity to view their projected smile on the computer screen.
We take digital photographs of your smile, and our dentists can digitally enhance your smile and virtually plan a treatment that is right for you. Together, you and your dentist can discuss your goals and make changes before any treatment is done; this eliminates the margin for error and increases patient satisfaction.
Benefits of Digital Smile Design For Smile Makeovers
- Improves the communication between dental interdisciplinary team
- Fosters a stronger relationship and understanding between patient and dentist
- Enhances the aesthetic of your smile
- Improvement of the smile design process
In essence, DSD not only improves the visual treatment planning phase, but it also doubles as a tool that allows for a more controlled result, which ultimately translates into greater capability and higher patient satisfaction.