Root Canal and Cavity FAQs

Does the thought of a root canal make you anxious? We can help. At Foothills Dentistry, we help patients with cavities who require root canal treatment in Calgary, AB. Treating problems like tooth abscesses sooner than later can prevent permanent damage and tooth loss. We ensure patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their root canal treatment. In addition, root canals relieve pain caused by dental infection and preserve the natural tooth structure.

Cavities in Calgary, Alberta

Q&A: Root Canal and Cavities in Calgary, AB

Read answers to popularly asked questions about cavities and root canal treatment:

How do I know if I have a tooth infection?

Dental infections create tooth sensitivity and pain, bad breath, and holes or pits in the tooth enamel. At first, infection shows through pain and sensitivity. Over time, patients can develop cavities as harmful bacteria eat away at the tooth enamel. The bacteria produce digestive acids that can break down teeth, creating cavities.

Do I need a root canal if I have a cavity?

Patients need root canal treatment if a dental infection affects the dental pulp within the tooth. The pulp comprises cells, nerves, and blood vessels that keep the tooth alive. However, patients can have cavities and not require a root canal if their infection does not affect the dental pulp. We can clean out and seal a cavity without the need to access the tooth chamber. Patients who require a thorough dental cleaning may benefit from an inlay, onlay, or dental crown if they have tooth damage.

Are root canals painful?

We ensure patients feel as comfortable as possible during their root canal treatment. Our dentists use a local anesthetic to numb the treated area. We can provide dental sedation as needed for more complex or lengthy procedures. Sedation also benefits nervous or anxious patients. Under sedation, patients feel relaxed and do not feel any pain. We also provide patients with post-op instructions to reduce irritation and pain in their treated teeth.

Can cavities go away on their own?

Cavities will not go away on their own. While you can slow down the decay process, cavities will slowly break down the tooth over time. Without treatment, decay progresses, and patients will need their teeth removed. Please contact our office if you notice a change in your smile or a dental cavity. Cavities need to be treated as soon as possible. A good oral hygiene routine and regular dental visits can help reverse early symptoms of dental infections, including tooth pain and sensitivity.

How long does it take to fill a cavity?

A dental filling can take 45 to 60 minutes. However, this treatment time depends on the location and size of the cavity. If patients require multiple filings, their appointment can take longer than an hour.

Call Foothills Dentistry for high-quality dental care today at . On our website, you may also request a dental consultation with Dr. Shruti Chahal. Let Dr. Chahal know if you have any remaining questions about dental cavities or root canal treatment. She will be happy to help.