What Are My Treatment Options For A Chipped Tooth?

Accidents can happen to anyone. Sometimes those accidents result in a damaged or chipped tooth.

Whether you sustain a chip on one of your front teeth or a back molar, it is important to explore your treatment options and address a chipped tooth right away. Visiting an experienced dentist can help you learn more about your treatment options and find the solution that is right for you.

Calgary, AB dentist Dr. Shruti Chahal and our team at Foothills Dentistry offer comprehensive solutions for patients with chipped teeth. We work with you to assess your needs and build a personalized treatment plan that is right for you. If you are seeking treatment for a chipped tooth in Calgary, AB, visit your trusted team at Foothills Dentistry.

Chipped teeth Calgary AB

What to do if You have a Chipped Tooth

If you sustain a chipped tooth, try not to panic. Under the care of an experienced dentist, you can restore balance and beauty to your smile in no time. When addressing a chipped tooth, try to follow these key steps:

  1. Contact your dentist and schedule an appointment
  2. Cover any exposed areas of the tooth with a soft protective covering, such as dental wax
  3. Avoid hot or cold foods and beverages to avoid tooth sensitivity
  4. Avoid chewing near the chipped tooth or area of damage
  5. If swelling ensues, use a cold compress

Treatment Options for Chipped Teeth

The type of treatment you receive for a chipped tooth depends on the localized areas of damage and the extent of the damage. In some cases, the sharp portion of a chipped tooth may only need to be smoothed out to create a more even surface. In other cases, your dentist may recommend an additive dental procedure to replace the broken portion of the tooth.

Here are a few of the most common solutions for chipped teeth:

  • Dental Bonding: A dentist may recommend dental bonding to address large chips and fractures in the tooth. When bonding a chipped tooth, a dentist uses a tooth-colored filling material to add structure to the tooth. The bonding material is shaped, molded, and cured until the desired look is achieved.
  • Porcelain Veneers: Veneers are sometimes recommended for extensive areas of damage. Dental veneers are composite or porcelain shells that are adhered to the front and sides of the teeth to improve the appearance of your smile.
  • Dental Crowns: A dental crown can be used to address large areas of damage. A crown acts as a cap that can cover a chipped or damaged tooth. Modern crowns are designed to blend naturally with your existing teeth, making it indistinguishable from the rest of your smile.

Find Treatment For a Chipped Tooth in Calgary, AB

To learn more about your treatment options for chipped teeth, visit our trusted team at Foothills Dentistry. Our Calgary dentist office offers a full range of treatment options to help improve the appearance of damaged and chipped teeth. To schedule your appointment today, call (403) 910-5452 or request an appointment online.