What is Digital Smile Design?

digital smile design logoMany patients need restorative treatment due to tooth damage, dental trauma, or other issues impacting the appearance and health of their smile. While there are many effective solutions to address these dental concerns, not all of them yield consistent results.

Thanks to advancements like Digital Smile Design (DSD), patients can achieve more predictable, consistent results. With DSD patients can become active participants in their smile design journey.

Foothills Dentistry offers Digital Smile Design to aid in the treatment planning process. Visit our Calgary, AB dentist office to discover how you can benefit from Digital Smile Design.

What is Digital Smile Design?

DSD is a diagnostic treatment planning tool. It improves communication between patient and dentist while offering a more detailed approach to treatment planning.

Treatment plans are designed with the needs of the patient in mind. With DSD, dentists can use videos, images, and 3-D mock-ups to gain a more comprehensive view of the teeth, gums, mouth, and facial features. This allows dentists to design a smile based on the patient’s unique dental goals.

Understanding the patient’s goals and needs is a crucial part of the smile design process.  DSD allows the dentist to work with the patient to design their ideal smile.

What Happens During Digital Smile Design?

  1. The dentist takes high-resolution images and videos of the smile. This information is necessary in order to understand the relationship between the lips, teeth, gums, and mouth.
  2. The dentist performs a facial analysis. It is essential for the new smile to fit naturally with the patient’s facial features.
  3. Plan and design a personalized treatment. It is important to plan a treatment based on the goals and needs of the patient.
  4. Create a 3-D mock-up of the smile so the patient can see their projected smile. Once approved, the final treatment can begin. The type of treatment a patient receives will depend on their needs, which may include dental crowns, dental veneers, whitening, and bonding.

Patients Love Digital Smile Design

When patients visit the dentist, they don’t want surprises, especially when it comes to the appearance of their smile. With DSD, the anxiety or uncertainty a patient may feel about the appearance of their teeth is eliminated. The patient and dentist work collaboratively to design a smile that suits the needs and goals of the patient.

Each phase of treatment is visible during all times, allowing the patient to add input whenever necessary. Not only does this improve the patient success rate, but it creates a positive experience for the patient.

Digital Smile Design in Calgary, AB

At Foothills Dentistry in Calgary, AB, we are committed to offering our patients the best that modern dentistry has to offer. To improve the patient success rate and yield beautiful results, we have incorporated Digital Smile Design into our treatment planning process. Our team works with you every step of the way to ensure your dentistry needs are met.

If you are searching for a trusted and experienced cosmetic dentist in Calgary, AB, visit our team at Foothills Dentistry. To schedule an appointment, call (403) 910-5452 or request an appointment online.