When Do You Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps that fully cover single teeth. Crowns are known as restorative treatments that can protect teeth from damage. However, crowns can add more to your smile than treatment for fractured or damaged teeth. We provide custom-made dental crowns for patients in Calgary, AB. Here, we will review the multiple uses of dental crowns for patients in our office.

When Do You Need Dental Crowns?

The Many Uses of Dental Crowns in Calgary, AB

Dental crowns have numerous dental uses, from capping off replacement teeth to protecting teeth following a root canal treatment. There are many ways we use dental crowns in our Calgary dental office:

To Protect Damaged Teeth

Crowns act like caps to fully cover and protect single damaged teeth. If you have broken, fractured, worn, or otherwise damaged teeth, we may recommend a crown for you. We customize dental crowns to match the shape and shade of your natural teeth. Our office can also brighten teeth with a dental crown if you have discolored them due to an injury.

To Cover Weekend Teeth After a Root Canal

Root canals are routine treatments patients require if they have an infection that reaches inside of their tooth. A root canal procedure removes infected dental pulp, consisting of the cells, vessels, and nerves that keep a tooth alive. Once a dentist removes this infected material, they clean the tooth and place a dental filling.

Because dentists remove infected material and may remove some of the tooth structure to prevent reinfection, patients may need a crown. Sometimes, a crown is needed to cover and protect the treated tooth fully.

To Secure a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a restoration that can replace one or more consecutive missing teeth. Traditionally, dental bridges use dental crowns for support. During a dental bridge treatment, the dentist will prepare teeth on either side of a tooth gap and place dental crowns over these teeth. The crown-capped teeth hold the bridge in place. In addition to blending in with the smile, crowns provide enough support to hold restorations in place.

To Cover Dental Implants

Implants are restorations that can replace one or more permanent missing teeth. A single dental implant consists of a titanium anchor placed in the jaw bone, an abutment, and a dental crown. Dental crowns can cover single implants if patients only need to replace one missing tooth. As with bridges, dental crowns’ natural shape and sheen help implants look and function like real teeth.

Do you think you need a dental crown? Call Foothills Dentistry for restorative dental treatment today at . You can also schedule a dental appointment online. If you have any questions, please ask Dr. Shruti Chahal; she will gladly help clarify your treatment.